Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Stories: The Ice Castle

Once upon a time there was an ice castle. It was a half mile square. There were fifty knights, a princess, a king, a queen, a prince. They were in search of the rare ice crystals. They thought it was located near the evil sorcerer's castle. The evil sorcerer's name is Merlind. So twenty-five of the best and bravest knights went off in search of it. They found the ice crystal cave. They were going to retrieve the biggest chunk that they could carry when they tripped a trip wire and the wizard came running out. He found them and locked them in an electrical fence, but one of the knights threw his lance at the electrical box and there was no electricity, which means the wizard's wand couldn't work, so they escaped. They told the king what had happened so next time the king sent all of the knights. So twenty-five knights went into the wizard's castle and twenty-five knights went to go collect ice crystals. This time they were careful of the trip wire. They gathered twenty ice crystals and in the wizard's castle the knights took ten scepters, one spell book, and five pouches of magic dust. They went back to the castle. The king was very pleased with their treasures. The knights had collected twenty ice crystals. The king's machine needed one hundred, so they went back, and this time they carried out eighty ice crystals all together. The king's machine was a giant tank that could easily crush the wizard's castle and then the king could finally take back his rarest things: his armor, sword, sheath, shield, and the family medallion and ring. The knights surrounded the machine. The knights went on horses and the king was the top gunner but they didn't need the gun yet. They went over to the wizard's castle and the fight was a little hard because they had to not destroy any of the ice crystals. Twenty-five of the knights went over to grab some more ice crystals for themselves and for the machine. When they got back, the wizard's castle was almost destroyed and so they quickly put the giant chunks in for the gun. The gun was to block off all of the possible ways to get in and out. The knights made their own entrance by jousting in to the wall. They took the sorcerer's wands, pouches of magical dust and spellbooks. Then the king came in and took back his shield, his sheath, his sword, his armor, the family medallion, and the family ring. He also found what must have been his great-great-great-great-grandfather's scepter and crown. The king queen, and princess and the prince lived happily ever after. The end.

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