Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Stories: I Like Winter

I like winter. I like winter because I get to try out my new snowboard this year. I also can't wait because we'll get to build a snow fort and have snowball fights. I would like to see if we could make an igloo this year with a hollow inside. I hope we get a snowstorm with three feet of snow. That would be a blast! I also like winter because I get to paint the snow with bottles of water and food coloring. I would like to try to make an underground tunnel under the snow this year. I have never done that before but it sounds fun!

I wonder if we will have a white Christmas. It feels a lot more like Christmas when there is snow out.

Sometimes we get sick in the winter but I usually only get a small cold. I like having snowball fights a lot in the winter. Dad usually is at work when we would have snowball fights.

I like sledding down on our little circle sled down to the pond and this year I'm gonna try out my snowboard going down to the pond. Mitchell said, "That's foolish." He said, "If you go too far and too fast on the ice you will break through." But I don't think that would happen unless the ice is only a millimeter or an inch thick or of course if you are riding a snowboard that's on fire, that will melt through the ice. But there are no snowboards that I know of that will start on fire.

Sometimes we go over to Ella's and sled down their hill. This year I would like to go and bring my snowboard. That will be a lot of fun. It has flames on the front and the rest is black, and it has traction spikes and a handle to hold onto. The handle is grey.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Journal: 9-29-2008

We went to hands on history. We got to try hard tac. Hard tac is a kind of a cfrakker. But it's about an inch thick. It's also salty. We also got to start a fire with a real blacksmith.

Journal: 9-22-2008

We went to an appel orchrd. We pict 30 to 40 appels. It was about a 30 minit drive. We got three jugs of appel sider. One small and two big. We also got a carmled appel with emanems [M and M's].

Journal: 9-15-2008

We went to New Ulm. Mitch had his party at Happy Joe's. Mitch got over 100 tickets. We got 1214 tickets with the help of Brine, Ashly, and Dany. I got about 100 tickets to. We each got 607 tickets.

Journal: 9-12-2008

Mommy started a new cowop [co-op]. Over 20 kids came. We had musik, literature, and hans on history. Wear learning about litle house in the big woods. It gos [goes] from 1 to 4.

Journal: 9-5-2008

I did water balloons this summer. I filled up the water balloons. I soaked Mitch with the water balloons. I made about 30 water balloons. About 12 balloons popped. It toock me about an our to blow the water balloons up.

Journal: 5-19-2008

We whent to New Ulm. I found a dime at a park. We got to see the New Ulm Battery. The Battery had canon's. There were two canon's. The canins fired gun powder.

Journal: 5-12-2008

We whent to Seed Savers. We bot popcorn seeds. We spent $233.25. It was 67 miles from our house. It was an hour and a half drive. I'm going to sell some of the corn.

Journal: 5-6-2008

We went to a feald trip at the radio station. They had cool sounds. It was almost an our. We got ticits for the radio show. We got to be on the radio. They had a lot of trophys.

My Great Summer

Mitch and me had a small water fight with just the two of us. It wasn't much of a water fight because there were only two people. I soaked Mitch! He didn't want to play for very long, but then Dad came and I'm pretty sure he took Mitchell's squirt gun and squirted me.

I also played at our park about twenty times. We visited other parks, too. We had a playdate at IBM Park about a week ago. We also played at Kutzky Park and I found a Hot Wheels car. We also went to Roy Sutherland Park about five times. And we went to the one right across the street from it about five times, too.

I also found about five dollars during the summer. I used to find money at the old Target but now we don't go there much and the new Target I barely ever find money at. Last year I found four fives in the Whistle Binkie's parking lot. I counted my money up about a year ago and it equaled $27.37 that I've found in stores, but now I've found more money so I need to count it up again.

I passed level two at Stewartville pool. We went there after swimming lessons twice. I went down the yellow waterslide, and boy, was that fun! I went off the diving board in swimming lessons and it's pretty fun. I did in ten feet deep water. I also did a mini water slide in the ten feet deep part.

We flew our kite in the summer about three or five times. It's a light up one, and I haven't tried it in the dark yet and I would like to fly it in the dark yet this year.

We played outside every day. I rode my bike three or four times a week. I watered the plants every day, too. I also took Minnie for a walk every day.

I also played baseball. I was on Coach Darrin's team again because I like to be on his team and we got to be the Blue Lightning Bolts. I only missed one game. Games were on Tuesday nights and practices were on Sunday nights. One of my favorite positions is probably shortstop or first base because then I get to try to get the guy out at first or throw to third or second. We have a party each end of the baseball season. This year we had hot dogs just like last year. I think I only struck out once this year in the whole baseball season. Once I got either the first score for the team or the last score and then the game was over if it would have been the last score.