Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Friday Stories: Laws Aren't Fair to Kids

I don't think it's fair that you have to be 18 to vote and when I'm 18 there won't be a presidential election, so I'll have to wait until I'm 21. Some adults don't even do research on who they pick, they just pick it if they don't know. If I could change the laws, I would change it to "you have to be eight to vote."

I don't think it's fair that you have to be 18 to buy lottery tickets because I know there's billions and billions and billions of people trying to win, and I'd be very surprised if I won. I just want to do it because it sounds fun. I'd change it so that you have to be eight, also. I'd leave the one that you have to wait until you are 21 to drink beer. 'Cause beer can damage your brain, I don't know how though. Your brain is done growing when you're 21 so I'd leave that one.

I think you should be able to drive when you are ten. Well, whenever you are tall enough to reach the pedals and see out the window. And when you learn to be a safe driver.

When you collect sales tax when you sell something to someone, you have to give it to the government. I don't think that's fair 'cause the governments are so rich, they don't need our money that much. The government should set aside some of their money for interest. That's another way for them to earn more money easily. If you have a million dollars, and put that million, all of that, into interest, you would be getting paid six dollars a minute, and ten hundred dollars a week. You'd be so rich, you could live on your interest.

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