Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Friday Stories: The Snow-Burning Snowmobile Shoes

Once Mom took me to a shoe store and I said I could pick out anything I want and I found a pair of shoes. They had a little conveyor belt built in that worked like a snowmobile. They were only eight dollars. Mom said yes.

And what luck I was in! It was winter when Mom bought them so I got to try them out and I said, "Slow!" it went slow. When I said, "Medium!" it went medium, and when I said, "Fast!" it went fast. I loved making jumps for my shoes and doing stunts on the jumps.

Once I entered a contest What Was the Fastest in a town called Waseca. The pond was a mile long. The judges said I lost but actually I went up so high on a bump and I accidentally turned around the other way. I was three-quarters of a mile there. I was heading right toward the starting! Then I turned myself around and then a foot before I got to the finish line I hit the ground, and boy, that was the funnest jump I ever did.

The prize was one million dollars. I put it in interest, so I'd be getting paid six dollars a minute and ten hundred dollars a week. I chose to impress Target and I sold them out of Game Boy games. Then I gave a quarter of the Game Boy games to Mitch and then I sold some of them for fifteen dollars each. Accessories were five dollars. I earned one hundred dollars.

I donated ten hundred dollars and [Mom, what are those bell-ringing things?] I wrapped up a check for ten thousand dollars in a one dollar bill and gave it to the Red Kettle for the Salvation Army. [We read a newspaper article about a donor who donated in that manner during the holidays of 2007 and Max was most impressed.]

And then I decided to impress Target again by selling them out of Air Hawk toys and Nerf Toys. I bought the newest dart gun from Nerf. It's twenty dollars and it's the newest dart gun in Target made by Nerf and it has laser point action. I sold them out of that and the glow-in-the-dark dart guns.

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