Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Stories: Mystery Mouse House

Once upon a time there was a little gingerbread house with an upstairs, a downstairs, and another upstairs. It was three stories high.

Two little mice lived in there but nobody knew, because whenever they looked in, the mice were hiding under the bed. When they walked past it, or when they were in bed, they heard little giggles and chattering, and they couldn't figure out what it was.

One day, the child who made the house looked and found the mice. And he became best friends with them. The mice had a baby mouse. They named it Max. They had great fun.

People found out one day about the three mice but couldn't figure out where their home was. So they kept looking and looking but they never found it. The child gave them hints every day but they never figured out what it was.

One day the parents found out where the mice lived. So the child had to make them another gingerbread house and a hiding place and he also hid the gingerbread house. And the mice lived happily ever after.

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