Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Stories: The Haunted Cave

Once upon a time, two twelve year-olds once discovered a cave. So they went and took a look and found that it was haunted. They also knew that it had great treasures in but they were afraid of the ghosts that lived in the cave.

So they built a robot that would go and it could stand up to anything. It had a camera and it shrunk stuff with a laser beam so it could carry it. It had a little pouch to put the treasures in.

They realized that they could hook up a wire to the robot so they could see where it is and tell it what to do. But they never saw how far the robot went. So they wouldn't know how long of a cable. But they did know that it must be pretty long. So they got a ten-mile cable. They bought a cable that was ten miles long. The robot also had a drill to drill through walls and a camera that could see through walls to see where the treasure is. After a couple months, the two twelve year-olds were billionaires.

The cave had thousands of stalagmites. Stalagmites are a kind of icicle, only though made out of minerals. The deepest pool in the cave was a hundred feet deep. It was a hundred degrees below zero. You could smell the ice.

One day, when the robot went in very far, it broke. So they did with the money that they earned and made a new one, only though this time, more fancy. The robot drilled deeper and deeper and suddenly hit a giant treasure pit and made a ladder so the two twelve year-olds could climb down and grab all the treasure. The two twelve year-olds had to make a hundred robots to carry up all the treasure. Each robot could fit a hundred pieces of treasure in it.

But what they didn't know is that the robot triggered a lava vein and the pit filled with lava and froze all the treasures. The twelve year-olds and fifty of the robots escaped. They were wishing the other fifty had escaped but they didn't complain. They still were rich. Also, that lava vein triggered heaps of other ones around the globe. It flooded all the underground caves.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Max, I just loved your story! You are so creative, and you make a great author! Our family misses you and your family so much!
